Thank you for choosing [Your Business Name] for your biohazard remediation and restoration services. Your feedback is valuable to us as we strive to continuously improve our services. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions.


Client Information (Optional):

  • Name (optional):
  • Phone Number (optional):
  • Email Address (optional):

Rate Your Satisfaction (Please circle a number for each question)

  1. Overall, how satisfied were you with the services provided by [Your Business Name]?
    • 1 - Extremely Dissatisfied
    • 2 - Dissatisfied
    • 3 - Neutral
    • 4 - Satisfied
    • 5 - Extremely Satisfied
  2. How professional and courteous were our technicians?
    • 1 - Not Professional/Courteous
    • 2 - Somewhat Professional/Courteous
    • 3 - Neutral
    • 4 - Professional/Courteous
    • 5 - Extremely Professional/Courteous
  3. How well did we communicate with you throughout the process?
    • 1 - Poor Communication
    • 2 - Somewhat Clear Communication
    • 3 - Neutral
    • 4 - Clear Communication
    • 5 - Excellent Communication
  4. How responsive were we to your questions and concerns?
    • 1 - Not Responsive
    • 2 - Somewhat Responsive
    • 3 - Neutral
    • 4 - Responsive
    • 5 - Highly Responsive
  5. How well did we meet your expectations for the cleanup process?
    • 1 - Expectations Not Met
    • 2 - Somewhat Met Expectations
    • 3 - Neutral
    • 4 - Met Expectations
    • 5 - Exceeded Expectations

Open Ended Questions:

  • Please share any specific comments or feedback you have about the services provided by [Your Business Name]:
  • Is there anything we could have done differently to improve your experience?
  • Would you recommend [Your Business Name] to others in need of similar services? (Yes/No)
  • If yes, why would you recommend us?

Thank you for your time and feedback!

Additionally, consider offering an incentive for completing the feedback form, such as a discount on future services.