Field Trip Permission Slip and Release of Liability Waiver

Field Trip Information:

  • School: [School Name]
  • Grade Level: [Grade Level]
  • Field Trip Destination: [Field Trip Location]
  • Date: [Date of Field Trip]
  • Estimated Departure Time: [Departure Time]
  • Estimated Return Time: [Return Time]

Student Information:

  • Student Name: [Student Name (printed)]
  • Grade: [Grade Level]
  • Teacher: [Teacher Name]

Parent/Guardian Information:

  • Parent/Guardian Name (printed):
  • Relationship to Student: [Parent/Guardian relationship]
  • Phone Number: [Phone Number]
  • Email Address: [Email Address]

Emergency Contact Information (Optional):

  • Name: [Emergency Contact Name (printed)]
  • Relationship to Student: [Relationship to Student]
  • Phone Number: [Phone Number]

Permission and Release:

  1. I hereby grant permission for my child, [Student Name], to participate in the field trip to [Field Trip Location] on [Date].
  2. I acknowledge and understand that field trips involve inherent risks, including but not limited to:
    • Transportation accidents
    • Injuries on-site
    • Exposure to the elements (weather)
    • Interaction with unfamiliar environments or activities
  3. I understand that school staff will take all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of students during the field trip.
  4. I agree to hold harmless [School Name], its staff, and volunteers from any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, rights of action or causes of action arising out of or in any way connected with my child's participation in the field trip, except for those resulting from gross negligence or willful misconduct.
  5. I understand that my child is expected to follow all school rules and field trip guidelines during the trip.
  6. I understand that any student displaying disruptive or unsafe behavior may be excluded from further participation in the field trip or future trips.
  7. In case of an emergency, I authorize school personnel to seek medical attention for my child. I will be responsible for all associated medical costs. [Optional] I have provided alternative medical treatment instructions below (optional).

Alternative Medical Treatment Instructions (Optional): [Provide space for parents to specify any alternative medical treatment preferences]

Medical Information (Optional): [Provide space for parents to list any relevant medical conditions or allergies]

Photo/Video Release (Optional): [Optional section to gain permission for using photos/videos of students during the field trip for educational purposes]

Student Signature (Optional - for older students):

Print Name:


Parent/Guardian Signature:

Print Name:


School Staff Signature:

Print Name:



Important Notes:

  • This template is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for legal advice. It's highly recommended to consult with a lawyer to ensure your Field Trip Permission Slip and Release of Liability Waiver meets all legal requirements in your jurisdiction and effectively protects your school.
  • Modify the form based on your school's specific needs and policies (e.g., including or excluding optional sections).
  • Consider translating the form into additional languages if needed for your student population.